Modular Energy Production System - MEPS®
The Modular Energy Production System (MEPS®) is a patented, self-contained, and fully automated biofuel refinery. All MEPS® are pre-fabricated and tested in a factory. They can be shipped anywhere in the world in shipping container-sized modules that can be easily installed.
Our MEPS® can be expanded to meet your business requirements and can come in 1M gallons per year (GPY), 2MGPY and 5MGPY configurations.

Fully Automatic System
The fully automatic, computer controlled system is one of the secrets to allowing smaller scale biofuel production to be economically viable. A master computer system controls all functions of biofuel production. All operations can be remotely controlled and viewed from a central computer system.
Automatic production is performed according to a user defined set of parameters that can be changed with just a few clicks of a mouse.
Our MEPS® can be expanded to meet your business requirements.
Customers can start by purchasing a 1M GPY model, which is typically composed of approximately 10-12 modules and can add more MEPS® modules later to make up to a 5M GPY biofuels plant.
The same master control system is expandable to control all of the modules from one simple control screen. This allows many cooperatives, entities and individuals to start-up a biofuel production system at a fraction of the cost of larger plants then scaling up the system to a large plant as the economics makes sense.
Efficient Production
A MEPS® has an efficiency yield that compares favorably to most large scale biofuel production plants. New technologies are in development that EES believes will increase MEPS® yields even further. Combined with the economies of scale achieved during the manufacturing of the units in a factory, the MEPS® and the micro distribution model will revolutionize renewable energy needs for emerging markets both domestically and internationally.
Saleable By-Products
MEPS® can be configured to produce useful and valuable by-products that are created during the refining process, thus creating supplemental revenue streams for our customers. These by-products, unique to each feedstock and process, can be post-processed by special MEPS® modules to create animal feeds, fertilizers or charcoal briquettes that can be blended with coal for electric power generation and heating. Moreover, as technology advances continue to be made in the industry even more valuable by-products will be produced such as biochemicals, jet fuel, rocket propellant and more.
Reduced Operating Expense and Safer System to Operate
Because the EES proprietary process utilized to make biofuels does not use high pressure steam (found in most large plants), the cost and safety of the entire system is greatly improved. The typical high pressure steam boiler is eliminated, along with expensive water treatment facilities, a licensed high pressure boiler operator and the unsightly steam cloud surrounding traditional biofuel plants.
Reduced Chance of Obsolescence
The technology for producing biofuels is continually changing and improving. By building the system from a series of modules, each segment of the biofuel production process is contained within its own module. Therefore, if technology changes one step in the process, simply remove this one module and insert a new module incorporating the new technology. This is a much better solution than traditional large scale plants, which are very difficult to change and modify. This modular design enables the user to remain competitive in the market place for years to come.
Stainless Steel Construction
Every surface that can come into contact with the process materials is constructed of stainless steel. This includes all of the piping, valves, heat exchangers and distillation columns. This prevents corrosion from damaging a customer's system and provides an estimated 20+ years of system operation.
Easily Shipped
The MEPS® is built in our factory and can be easily trucked or shipped anywhere in the world in container-sized modules. Each pod is contained within a modular, tube-framed skid that can be picked up with a large forklift or crane. The system is designed to fit on a standard drop deck trailer and still be within normal Department of Transportation size and weight limits. There's no need for expensive, extra-wide shipping permits, or lead and trailer cars to aid in shipping the system to the site. For foreign destinations, the system can ship in standard large shipping containers to any assessable location in the world.
Available Sizes
The Company has designed MEPS® models that offer a range of annual production capacity. We believe that the smallest model will be used primarily for research and testing purposes in government labs, universities and companies looking to prove new technology. Most initial purchases will likely be 1 MGPY and 2 MGPY units with the expectation that the demand for 5 million GPY units will increase once the MEPS® use for biofuel production is proven successful for each customer's specific waste stream.
A Good Environmental Steward
Since the MEPS® produces biofuel using lower temperatures than traditional plants; unsightly steam emitted into the air is eliminated. The important nutritional value of feed by-products is not boiled into the air, causing noxious gases. No effluent is discharged into any stream or river. No massive amounts of water are boiled and discharged as steam. The water used to cool one batch is used as already preheated water for the next batch, thus reducing energy consumption and water usage.
The end result is a plant that can be built to utilize no outside water and no outside energy.
By combining feedstocks, EES has even been able to develop a production system that can use liquid waste feedstocks, such as waste milk whey and waste sodas or beers, with solid waste feedstock. The end result is a plant that can be built to utilize no outside water and no outside energy with all required energy, water and feedstock supplied by the waste materials themselves. As desired, EES is also able to utilize an electric-powered glycol heater using electricity provided by a connected biofuel-fueled generator. EES is working diligently to make these types of opportunities economically feasible for commercialization.
Quick and Easy Installation
The entire system is shipped from our factory entirely pre-wired and pre-plumbed. We simply set the system in place, connect the modules together with the MEPS® coupling system, route the feedstock into the unit and turn on the system. Customers can be making advanced biofuels in a matter of weeks versus months of cash flow-draining construction that is typical with traditional large scale plants.
Easy FEN™
Easy FEN™ is a modular system that creates liquid microbial fertilizer from waste vegetation. The system utilizes MEPS® technology, creating a fully autonomous and modular system that can be installed almost anywhere in the world and easily installed.
Our MEPS® can be expanded to meet your business requirements and can come in 1M gallons per year (GPY), 2MGPY and 5MGPY configurations.
Automated System
The Easy FEN™ is designed to be completely automatic. Organic waste is loaded into the hopper, and the 275 gallon toes are replaced as needed. Alternatively, finished product can be channeled directly into 1000 - 5,000 gallon tanks. Our system shreds, juices, and calculates the correct ratios of additives to efficiently create the final Terreplenish product.
Flow meters are included for every tote on the systems in order to monitor the exact quantity of plant juice derived from incoming material. Every ball valve utilizes an electronic position indicator to ensure all fluid control. Lastly, motors are controlled by a variable speed frequency drive to ensure optimal tuning of the system.
Multiple emergency stop buttons are located around the system to provide for added operator safety. An air compressor with a high-quality dryer for creating and ensuring clean air is utilized for all valving operation.
Operator control lights are located on the exterior to notify the forklift operator that a tote is ready to be cleaned, in cleaning and filling mode, and is ready to be removed. The system indicates a color touchscreen for simple operator monitoring and control of desired machine operating parameters. The system includes a color touchscreen for simple operator monitoring and control of desired machine operating parameters. Front site gauges on all totes allow for easy visual inspection of material flow.
Superior Build Quality
Every surrace that comes into contact with the process materials is contructed of food grade stainless steel or or high density polyethylene. This includes all piping, valves, and tanks.
Remote Monitoring
The system can be connected to the a customer's network to allow easy transfer of production data. The systems is also designed to be connected to the internet to allow Easy Energy Systems to be able to monitor and optimize all automated systems remotely.
Easily Shipped
The Easy FEN™ is built in our factory and can be easily trucked or shipped anywhere in the world in container-sized modules. The system is designed to fit on a standard drop deck trailer and still be within normal Department of Transportation size and weight limits. There's no need for expensive, extra-wide shipping permits, or lead and trailer cars to aid in shipping the system to the site. For foreign destinations, the system can ship in standard large shipping containers to any assessable location in the world.
Production Process
An incoming product conveyor allows material to be loaded into the machine down at ground level and conveyed up into the Easy FEN™ machine. The speed of the conveying is controlled by the computer control.
The system includes a shredder with cutter knives for shredding the incoming material. The speed of the shredding is computer controlled and the system will automatically monitor amps and adjust incoming conveyor feed rate to optimize production.
Although the incoming conveyor and the shredder are optimized tuned, the system also contains “plug” sensors to detect plugs and then to auto slow down and or shut off conveyor to prevent product jam up.
Once the incoming waste is shredded, it is fed into a screw press that then squeezes the plant juices from the waste material. The remaining biomass is conveyed to edge of machine where it can be pulled away by either a skid loader or an external supplied conveyor to be used for compost of further directed into a dry biomass processing system supplied by either Easy Energy Systems, Inc. or others.
As plant juice is squeezed from the food or green biomass waste, it is then filtered by a rotating screen to remove all particles of biomass to dramatically lessen any chance of solids in the resulting product. Solids that, if not removed, could contribute to nozzle plugging on field application equipment.
The screened juices fall into a collection tank and are analyzed by the computer control system to determine exact specifications.
From the determined specification information on the resulting plant juice solution, the unit will automatically mix and alter the ratios of all materials pumped into the mixing totes to make a perfect solution for growing microbes.
Liquid Microbial Fertilizer - Terreplenish®
What does Terreplenish® do?
Terreplenish® contains nitrogen-fixing & Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), both beneficial bacteria capable of solubilizing inorganic phosphorus from the insoluble compounds and absorbing atmospheric nitrogen.
Nitrogen-fixing begins immediately once applied and builds up over time as the microbes propagate. The nitrogen stays with the plant while releasing legacy phosphates, combating the calamities that traditional fertilizers create when heavy rains and melting snow wash massive amounts of nutrients-particularly nitrogen and phosphorus-from lawns, sewage treatment plants, farmland, and other sources along the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico causing dead zones; regions of the ocean where there is so little oxygen that almost no life exists beneath the surface waters.
Terreplenish® is not a bio-fungicide/pesticide. Our proprietary microbe formula does not contain EPA Bio-pesticide Active Ingredients.
Minimize your risks (health, $$$ disruption) by making Terreplenish® a cornerstone of your (IPM) Integrated Pest Management practice.
Terreplenish® works in three different ways to fight disease-causing pathogens: Disrupts the cell membrane growth, Inhibits the attachment of the pathogen to the leaf and Stops harmful spores from germinating.
Regular Foliar-applied Terreplenish® applications have been shown to prevent soil and airborne pathogens in susceptible plant varieties with pathogens like:
Powdery mildew
Fusarium wilt
Downy mold
Dollar spot

Untreated vs Treated Grapes

Untreated vs Treated Hemp

Treated vs Untreated Turf

Terreplenish Trials on Corn Crop Resulting in Earlier Maturity
Modular Auto-Segmentation System™
The Easy Energy Auto Segmentation System™ is a patented, self-contained, and fully automated processing system for converting agricultural biomass, waste wood, forest fire prone dead trees, municipal garbage into many different valued added products while also sequestering large amounts of CO2. All modules are pre-fabricated and tested in a factory. They can be shipped anywhere in the world in fully automatic, self-contained, shipping container-sized modules that can be quickly installed. They are designed for use in remote communities and villages with rural ag biomass or even in remote forest clearings such as clearing up forest fire prone dead trees.

Each system is comprised of 6 modular sections working in sync, processing organic matter waste into liquid sugar and other valuable byproducts.
The system has the ability to convert forest waste bio-mass into distributed low or even negative carbon electricity for providing local or main grid electrical needs to help provide additional distributed electricity. This low to negative carbon electricity is an ideal solution for the increased need for clean electricity for charging electrical cars and trucks. As the smaller size factory built modular plants will typically be located world-wide in rural villages and communities, this will provide massive amounts of clean distributed electricity without the need or time delay of expensive additional transmission lines.
The base system has a 50 ton per day capacity, but can be scaled to process up to 250 dry tons of waste wood or other bio mass per day.
The auto-segmentation preprocessing portion will dry and grind the wood chips while converting them into liquid sugar and many other valuable products. Multiple “sets” of these 6 modular sections deployed in different sawmills or even remote forest clearings. These units will convert the waste (even partially burned forest fire wood) into a valuable condensed liquid sugar that can then be trucked or piped via a large flexible hose to remote access roads for transportation to a central site MEPS™ processing unit.
The MEPS™ will then convert sugars and starches into biofuels which can then be further converted into low carbon electricity. This central site will have the required fermentation tanks and distillation and other clean up modules needed to convert the incoming sugars and other products into where the sugars are then further converted into bio-fuels, aviation fuels, or electricity. It is estimated this one 250 ton per day final processing plant will provide up to 7.3 megawatts of clean renewable low-to-even carbon negative electricity.
Each 250 ton per day waste wood or biomass system will sequester up to 50,000 tons per year of CO2!
Ability to be Operated With No Outside Utilities Required
Depending upon the cost or even total lack of outside utilities in remote rural villages or even remote mountain clearings, the systems can be configured to operate with NO incoming gas or electric utilities. Simply provide the system the incoming waste wood, dead trees, or biomass and the unit is capable of providing all of its own required electricity and heat energy. This is vastly different than most pyrolysis systems that claim to be renewable, but actually require massive amounts of incoming gas or electricity to operate their systems.
Superior to Conventional Biomass to Energy Systems
Most traditional biomass to energy systems are really just high priced “burning barrels” that simply burn the biomass to create heat and then the heat produces steam that powers a turbine to generate electricity. With these competitors, virtually all of the harmful gases, CO2, and other dangerous waste chemicals are discharged into the atmosphere causing pollution and local health concerns. The EES Auto Segmentation System™ instead creates virtually no pollution as it fully separates everything out into many value added products.
Creates Many Different Value Added Products
Our Modular Auto Segmentation System™ creates many different valued added components many different value added products. Such products as the carbon sequestering valuable soil additive bio char, bio fuels, phenolic oils (for use in bio fuels, asphalts and plastics), and even a bio coal additive that can be mixed 1/3 with 2/3 regular coal to allow existing coal fired power plants to meet the Paris accords.
In addition to capturing these many different products to both sequester massive amounts of Co2 and eliminate pollution, the sale of these valuable products also contribute greatly to the net bottom line, often allowing complete systems to pay for themselves quickly even without unreliable government subsidies. When such subsidies are present, the pay back time of the system is even faster.
Remote Monitoring and Optimization
The fully automated systems capture and store thousands of production data parameters enabling third-party licensed auditors the ability to easily validate the thousands of tons of carbon sequestration for carbon credits and their resulting potentially very high additional revenue streams. Likewise, all modular production data parameters can be monitored and the system tuned and optimized remotely via internet or satellite.
Nano-Void Modular Water Purification System
There is a physics principle that the smaller you make a bubble, the lower the surface tension of that bubble. Make the bubble small enough, and the outer shell disappears and the bubble effectively becomes a “void”.
Our Nano-Voids are nanoscopic gaseous cavities in aqueous solutions that have the ability to change the normal characteristics of water.
Our Nano-Voids are <100 nm in diameter and can remain in liquids for an extended period of time with some tests reflecting up to 3 weeks. This contrasts with conventional aeration methods where the bubbles only stay in suspension for a matter of hours.
The applied uses of our Nano-Void systems are virtually unlimited. They can be used for any pond, lake, or lagoon clean up; especially livestock lagoons, mine sludge, and industrial waste water. They separate solids and return “clean” water in a short period of time. All of this is done without the need for expensive membranes or filters that need periodic replacement.

Lake Water: Before

Lake Water: 4 Days After
Polluted Water: Before

Polluted Water: After
Nano-Voids also reduce the need for irrigation on agricultural fields and golf courses. They can be used to enhance animal growth in poultry, swine, and other livestock by increasing the oxygen intake in their drinking water. Our Nano-Voids have an almost limitless applications in many areas.